Jelang Digelar 28-29 Oktober, The Asian Creative and Digital Economy Youth Summit Umumkan Deretan Pengisi Acara

Marves - Jakarta, Asian Creative & Digital Economy Youth Summit (ACE-YS) akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 28-29 Oktober 2023. Jelang pelaksanaan, konferensi yang digelar oleh Kemenko Marves Republik Indonesia dan Selaksa bekerja sama dengan Lazada Indonesia (Lazada) mengumumkan deretan nama yang telah terkonfirmasi akan menjadi pengisi acara.
Sederet pembicara dari dalam dan luar negeri siap membagikan pengalaman dan pandangan sebagai bagian dari komitmen bersama memajukan ekonomi kreatif di tingkat regional. Mereka yang telah mengkonfirmasi hadir antara lain Amar Subramanya, VP of Engineering, Google Bard, Dr. Allen Au-Yeung, Ex-VP Head of Creative The Walt Disney Company Asia, Amanda Valani Head of Business Development Viva Media Asia, Dita Aisyah CBO of Binar, Ivan Chen CEO & Founder of Anantarupa Studios, Shieny Aprilia CEO of Agate International, Ryan Adriandhy Animator & Artist dan Mochtar Sarman, CEO, Juara Raga Adidaya & The Licensing Guy.
Kemudian ada Resha Adi Pradipta Country Manager Indonesia & Malaysia of Riot Games, Dennis Adishwara, Andrian Pauline Husen CEO of RRQ ,Nabila "Nabbsky" Sulthana, Esport pro player RRQ Team, Ade Putri Paramadita a Culinary Storyteller, Helianti Hilman Founder & CEO of JAVARA, Muhammad Badarudin Co-founder of Second Floor Coffee, Sonny Rustiadi, SE., MBA., Ph.D., CBAP. Head of study program SBM ITB. GDP Venture turut mendukung ACE YS dengan menghadirkan deretan narasumber yang berada dalam jaringan mereka seperti Antonny Liem the Founding Partner of GDP Venture, Rangga Danu CEO of Kincir, Wiku Baskoro Co-founder of, Primadi Serad Program Director of Djarum Foundation, dan Winston Utomo Founder and CEO of IDN Media.
Odo R.M. Manuhutu, Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Kemenko Maritim & Investasi menuturkan bahwa pihaknya mengapresiasi kesediaan para narasumber untuk membagikan pandangan di ACE-YS. “Kami mengucapkan terima kasih sekaligus mengapresiasi kesediaan para narasumber untuk hadir di ACE-YS. Kami berharap ini menjadi awalan yang baik untuk sinergi lintas sub sektor ekonomi kreatif di region ini. Sehingga kita bisa bersama membangun jejaring ekonomi kreatif yang bisa saling membantu memajukan potensi karya para pekerja kreatif.”
Abdullah Fikri Ismanto Head of Public Program ACE-YS menuturkan bahwa pihaknya masih terus membuka peluang kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak untuk ambil bagian di konferensi tersebut. “Para narasumber yang kami umumkan pada hari ini baru sebagian dari sederet nama lain yang ingin terlibat dalam pengembangan ekonomi kreatif regional. Kami terus berupaya untuk membuka peluang kolaborasi dan memberikan akses kepada para pelaku kreatif dan digital di Asia. Tujuannya adalah memperkuat komunikasi lintas negara guna mendorong kemajuan bersama dalam industri ini.”
Bagi Lazada, generasi muda yang berdaya menjadi kunci utama pertumbuhan sebuah negara. Karena itulah, sejalan dengan misi Lazada untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi di Asia Tenggara, pemberdayaan talenta muda di Asia Tenggara telah lama menjadi salah satu fokus Lazada, termasuk di Indonesia. Dukungan Lazada dalam gelaran ACE-YS menjadi salah satu upaya dalam membuka peluang bagi generasi muda untuk saling terhubung, mengembangkan diri, dan saling berkolaborasi di dalam ekosistem ekonomi digital dan kreatif di Lazada.
ACE YS akan digelar di TMII pada 28-29 Oktober 2023. Ratusan profesional muda ekonomi kreatif dari ASEAN, Cina, Jepang dan Republik Korea (ASEAN+3) yang berusia antara 18-35 tahun, akan diajak untuk berkumpul, berbagi pengalaman serta memecahkan masalah dengan harapan bisa mendorong akselerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi kreatif. Acara ini didukung oleh Asian Development Bank (ADB), GDP Venture, Telkomsel, Pertamina, Livin by Mandiri, Google, British Council, Pijar Foundation dan Gerakan Nasional 1000 Startup Digital. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung melalui laman
Marves - Jakarta, Asian Creative & Digital Economy Youth Summit (ACE-YS) will be held on October 28-29, 2023. As the event approaches, the conference held by The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs of Indonesia and Selaksa in collaboration with Lazada Indonesia announce the line-up that has been confirmed to become the speakers at the event.
A series of speakers both from inside and outside of the country are ready to share their experience and perspective as a part of a shared commitment to advance the creative economy at the regional level. Among those who have confirmed their presence are Amar Subramanya, VP of Engineering, Google Bard, Dr. Allen Au Yeong Ex-Creative VP The Walt Disney Company Asia, Amanda Valani Head of Business Development Viva Media Asia, Dita Aisyah CBO of Binar, Ivan Chen CEO & Founder of Anantarupa Studios, Shieny Aprilia CEO of Agate International, Ryan Adriandhy Animator & Artist dan Mochtar Sarman Chairman of Indonesia International Licensing Show.
Furthermore there are, Resha Adi Pradipta Country Manager Indonesia & Malaysia of Riot Games, Dennis Adishwara, Andrian Pauline Husen CEO of RRQ, Ade Putri Paramadita a Culinary Storyteller, Helianti Hilman Founder & CEO of JAVARA, Muhammad Badarudin Co-founder of Second Floor Coffee, Sonny Rustiadi, SE., MBA., Ph.D., CBAP. Head of study program SBM ITB. GDP Venture also support ACE YS by presenting a line-up of speakers within their network, such as Antonny Liem the Founding Partner of GDP Venture, Rangga Danu CEO of Kincir, Wiku Baskoro Co-founder of, Primadi Serad Program Director of Djarum Foundation, dan Winston Utomo Founder and CEO of IDN Media.
Odo R.M. Manuhutu, The Deputy for Tourism and Creative Economy Coordination, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs & Investment of Indonesia states that his side appreciates the availability of the speakers to share their perspective in ACE-YS. “We are really thankful and appreciate the availability of the speakers to present in the ACE-YS. We hope this will become a good start to a cross-sector synergy in the creative economy of this region. So that we can build a creative economy network that could support the advancement of the work of creative workers.”
Abdullah Fikri Ismanto, The Head of Public Program of ACE-YS states that his team is continuously open to collaboration opportunities with a lot of parties to take part in this conference. “The speakers we announce today are just a fraction of the many other names eager to take part in the regional creative economy development. We are continuously working to open up opportunities to collaborate and give access to creative workers and digital in Asia. The purpose of this is to strengthen cross-country communication to drive collective progress in this industry.”
For Lazada, youth is the key to a country's primary growth. Because of that, aligned with Lazada’s mission to accelerate economic growth in Southeast Asia, the empowerment of young talent in Southeast Asia has long been one of Lazada's key focuses, including Indonesia. Lazada’s support in the ACE-YS event became one of the efforts to open up opportunities for the youth to connect, self-develop, and collaborate within the digital and creative economic system in Lazada.
ACE-YS will be held in TMII on October 28-29, 2023. Hundreds of young creative economy professionals from ASEAN, China, Japan, and Republic of Korea (Asean+3) in the age of 18-35 years old, will be invited to gather, collaborate and share their experiences while tackling the issues with the hope it can help to accelerate the economic creative growth. This event is supported by Asian Development Bank (ADB), GDP Venture, Telkomsel, Pertamina, Livin by Mandiri, Google, British Council, Pijar Foundation and Gerakan Nasional 1000 Startup Digital. For further information, you can directly click on this link
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