To Promote Responsible Mining, CMMAI Hosts a Forum to Introduce IRMA

Marves - Jakarta, In accordance with Indonesia's vision to strengthen the principles of Environment, Social, and Governance or ESG in Indonesian mining operations, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) held an industry-focused forum entitled "Introducing IRMA to Indonesian Mining Companies" at the Mandarin Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday (06-09-2022). This activity aims to introduce the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) to mining companies in Indonesia.
Septian Seto, Deputy Minister for Investment Coordination and Mining at the CMMAI, encouraged companies to contribute to promoting the mining sector's sustainability. "The CMMAI is currently conducting a gap analysis between existing regulations and the IRMA standard. We want to ensure that the right instrument is in place to strengthen ESG implementation from the production phase to the commercial phase for various commodities, including coal, tin, and nickel," he concluded.
In his remarks, he also stated that the government must encourage companies to contribute to mining sustainability on all levels, including upstream, middle, and downstream. "Public-private partnerships are necessary if we are to achieve national security."
Meanwhile, the Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Irwandi Arif, urged all mining players to continue to be cautious to protect the environment. He also stated that mining activities must be carried out effectively and efficiently without negatively impacting environmental conditions, especially now that investors are increasingly considering the element of Sustainable Development Goals when evaluating investment potential.
All of the speakers agreed that environmental sustainability is an essential factor to consider when conducting mining operations. The environment is not only the government's responsibility but also of other parties, such as mining companies like Eramet Indonesia. They are dedicated to assisting the Indonesian government in achieving its long-term objectives. "We recognize and want to continue to be a part of Indonesia's journey," said Director of Eramet Indonesia, Bruno Faour. In addition, he said that he hopes that this forum will serve as the start of a responsible mining exploration journey.
Eramet Indonesia also shared insights from its current work to prepare for audits of its global operations against IRMA standards, including nickel mining operations in Weda Bay, North Maluku, at the same forum.
"IRMA offers independent third-party verification and certification assessments of mining standards covering all comprehensive standards that test all non-energy mining materials," says IRMA Senior Advisor Kristie Disney Bruckner. So far, IRMA has worked with over 50 members, including mining companies, purchasing companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), investors, and the financial sector.
CMMAI has also invited several stakeholders from the mining value chain for information. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the Ministry of Investment (BKPM), the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources were also present, as were various mining companies, mineral processing companies, chemical companies, industry associations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
This event's high interest demonstrates Indonesia's commitment to transitioning to more sustainable mining industry. This forum is expected to be the first step toward advancing the mining sector's ESG priorities in Indonesia.
The high interest in this event shows Indonesia's commitment to shifting towards a more sustainable stance. This forum may be the first step towards concrete action plans for Indonesia's mining sector.