Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs Encourage The Feasibility Study Waste Into Energy

Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs Encourage The Feasibility Study Waste Into Energy
Jakarta-- The government needs to do a feasibility study on facility construction waste to energy or energy from waste. This was revealed in an interview with Assistant Deputy Mining and Energy Infrastructure Yudi Prabangkara in Jakarta (29/03/2017). Today most rubbish just dumped in landfill only creating problems related to various environmental issues including pollution. Therefore, the government supports more research for alternative solution to reducing landfill waste significantly, one solution that is offered by Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs a technology waste to energy. Besides being able to significantly reduce the amount of waste, this technology also produces electricity. This technology has been applied in various countries such as Japan, South Korea, China and Singapore. "It's a proven technology" Yudi explained, "We need to do a feasibility study with several aspects, technical aspects, financial aspects, the environment (EIA) and institutional aspects before implementing this technology in Indonesia". Indonesian and Japan make the Joint Working Group. Yudi stated that other than Japan, Demark and Korea also offered cooperation to assist Indonesia. Team in the Joint Working Group coordinated by Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs. His team consisting of representatives from ministries, BPPT, Academia / universities, representatives of seven cities (Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar) Chamber of Commerce and others who represent the industry. Yudi said "By doing feasibility studies we can ascertain how this technology is actually proven". Yudi also added "When we make and execute the process in both international standards so we can prove to all parties that this process can reduce the amount of waste volume and to generate electricity. This could be an alternative solution the two major problems facing Indonesia, namely the issue of energy and waste problems ". ***