Symbol for World’s Optimism on SDGs Achievements in the G20 Summit



Marves - Denpasar, November 8, 2022 – The Balinese people hope that all results of the G20 Summit in Bali will provide a way towards prosperity and harmony between humans and the universe. This hope is consistent with the G20 Gunungan or Kayon logo.

Gunungan, the leaf-shaped shadow puppet which symbolizes a mountain, is a symbol of life and the preservation of the universe. It also reflects the worldly people’s expectation for their future lives.

"The hope symbolized by the Gunungan logo is part of our efforts to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs)," said Udayana University’s Professor and Lecturer of Cultural Literature Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M.Litt, in Denpasar, Tuesday (Nov. 8) .

According to Darma, the slogan “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” sparks optimism for a bright future for the entire world nation to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs). "Of course, it includes Bali and Indonesia," he said.

He added that results of this conference could contribute to the realization of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). A number of points which are related to the SDGs are social and economic development issues, including poverty, health, education, climate change, water, sanitation, energy, environment, and social justice.

For the Balinese people, the mountain in gunungan symbol can refer to the meaning of Wana Kerthi, which is to maintain the sanctity and sustainability of forests and mountains. Wana Kerthi literally means mountain-sea or nyegara gunung.

"It is a symbol of collaboration that determines the fertility of nature as a source of life for living things on this earth," said Darma.

Gunungan is also considered a source of inspiration oriented to welfare and happiness of the universe. According to Chancellor of the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Adnyana SSn, MSn, the G20 Summit brings a great hope to the planet and its contents, while becoming a great historical momentum for the future of the world’s fate.

Gunungan or kayon also refers to the shape of a mountain. Mountains are sources of volcanic energy, which can fertilize nature tremendously,” said Adnyana.

Gunungan, in the logo of the Indonesia’s G20 Presidency, represents the spirit and optimism of the Indonesian people, especially to recover from the pandemic and soon enter a new chapter of life.

The philosophy of Gunungan describes a symbol of life in the universe, the passage of time into a new chapter. The triangular shape of the gunungan symbolizes purwa, madya, and wasana, the cycle of life from beginning to end.

Gunungan also symbolizes the transition of performance in plays or stories about how humans struggle and make efforts to the course of their lives. The conical shape of gunungan also represents that all human power and efforts are submitted to the Almighty.

The Balinese people call gunungan in shadow puppet (wayang) shows kayon. Kayon is a symbol of the universe with all its contents which also connotes a mountain of natural preservation, culture, and ecosystems.

Kayon represents the symbol of nature in wayang. For Hindu belief, macro cosmically, the gunungan puppet being repeatedly spun by the puppeteer depicts the process of mixing objects into one in the creation of nature and its contents. These objects are called Panca Maha Bhuta, the elements or basic substances of nature and their contents.

The Panca Maha Bhuta are akasa, bayu, teja, apah, and perthiwi. An article written by I Made Sumarya in the 527th issue of Warta Hindu Dharma on November 2010 from the official website of PHDI (Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia or Indonesia’s Highest Council of the Hindu Religion) Bali, explains that the universe is composed of five basic elements of the Panca Maha Bhuta. However, the most dominant is perthiwi (stone) because stone is solid. However, water is also a dominant basic element of Panca.

The Sun is Teja, the Air is Akasa, Bayu, and so on. “Akasa's dominant content causes the existence of something in the form of space to spread out. The dominant bayu content causes the existence of something in the form of motion or moving objects, the dominant apah content causes the existence of something in the form of a solid object," wrote I Made Sumarya.

There may be more than one dominant content of Maha Bhuta elements in an object or natural content. For example, the dominant apah and prethiwi contents cause the existence of solid-liquid (viscous) form. Thus the presence of various natural contents is determined by the different contents of the Panca Maha Bhuta elements.

Panca Maha Bhuta, as the basic elements of the creation of the universe or Buana the Great principle, was created by causa prima (God Almighty) through the creation process. This creation is a combination between two principles: the principle of consciousness and maya, being vertically stratified, which play their role in determining the existence of the universe and its contents.

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