CMMAI and Indonesian Conservation Announce Blue Halo S and TeKSI Programs at UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai

Marves - Dubai, To attain national and global environmental objectives, it is imperative to strengthen collaboration in the environmental sector. The recent surge in global temperatures, which reached two degrees Celsius during the third week of November, highlights the significance of cooperation between all stakeholders in mitigating this trend.
We applaud the leadership of the Government of Indonesia in the climate action space. As a partner of The Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, Konservasi Indonesia (KI) acknowledges the critical role of sustainable financing in advancing these objectives. To this end, KI has implemented two program initiatives, Blue Halo S and Terumbu Karang Sehat Indonesia (TeKSI), that reflect our commitment to adopt a sustainable financing model. These initiatives integrate two vital aspects of marine management, specifically ‘protection and production’.
In the Indonesian Pavilion at UNFCCC COP28 Dubai, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Maritime Resources of CMMAI, Firman Hidayat, said Indonesia acknowledged the significance of exploring nature-based solutions such as coral reef conservation. Therefore, Firman invited all stakeholders, both national and international, to join hands with Indonesia in this transformative journey. He also stated that all stakeholders should resolve to be stewards of the oceans and ensure that our current actions lead to a more sustainable, and prosperous future for everyone, built on the foundation of a rapidly developing Blue Economy.
“We recognized the importance of a blended finance mechanism to support these efforts, for instance the program funded by the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) that supports positive efforts for coral reefs and sustainable income streams for the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network in Indonesia,” said Firman.
In the Ocean High-Level Panel, under the theme Embodiment of Blue Economy through A Sustainable Use of Coastal and Marine Resources to Save the Ocean Environment, at the Indonesian Pavilion of COP 28, the Executive Chair of Konservasi Indonesia, Meizani Irmadhiany, highlighted the urge of the collaboration.
Moreover, Meizani explains The Blue Halo S program seeks to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance climate resilience by improving fishery practices, marine conservation governance, institutional and regulatory frameworks, and promoting investments in a sustainable blue economy. Through an integrated approach, the program balances production and protection, which was piloted in one of Indonesia's Fisheries Management Areas (FMA), specifically FMA 572, situated in the western region of Sumatra.
Meanwhile, TeKSI, a program funded by the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), aims to support coral reefs and sustainable income streams for the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. The Bird's Head Seascape in West Papua and Southwest Papua Provinces, as well as East Sumba Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province, will be the focus areas for implementing this program.
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Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemariitman dan Investasi