Proud Pecalang to Support the G20 Summit

Proud Pecalang to Support the G20 Summit



Marves - Denpasar, November 9, 2022 – Hundreds of pecalang from a number of villages are involved in securing the activities of the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua and Denpasar, Bali. Pecalang are local residents assigned to guard, help to regulate, and bring order to designated areas where activities, such as traditional and religious ceremonies, are being held.

These pecalang will be guarding a number of security points near the closed roads. They will provide information on alternative routes during the road closures due to the G20 Summit.

When the G20 Communications and Media Team met one of their chiefs on Wednesday (11/9/2022), Manggala Utama Pasikan Bankamda Bali, I Made Mudra, said that pecalang are very proud to receive the mandate and will do their best to participate for the G20 Summit success, for the sake of Bali, Indonesia, and the world. Pecalang have also received training from the National Police/Indonesian Armed Forces (Polri/TNI) to support their task in securing the Summit.

“We are helping to guard, especially the residents in Bualu and Peminge Villages, who are affected by the Restrictions on Public Activities (PPKM) during the conference. If, in any case, the residents need road access, we will help them by communicating their request with the relevant authorities. We hope that everything will run smoothly and peacefully. We are very proud to be involved in the Summit,” said Mudra.

Mudra explained, the security for this international conference is very strict. In addition to guarding the route to the main conference activities, they are assigned to guard the routes to tourist attractions, such as access to the beach.

Regarding access to the beach, for example, if it is located closed to the delegation’s accommodation, he continued, then it will also be guarded by pecalang. The villages involved in this activity include Pecatu, Kampial, Kutuh, and Ungasan. Each village receiving this security mandate will mobilize 50 of their village’s pecalang.

However, pecalang in other villages throughout Bali, said Mudra, are asked to be on guard in their respective neighborhoods and to coordinate with each other. They are the “traditional police” of Balinese customs, who are present from the banjar (neighborhood) down to the village level. The word pecalang comes from “celang” which in Balinese means sharp senses.

When on duty, these traditional police officers wear traditional uniform with the tridatu color identity (red-white-black) or poleng (white-black). The 67-year old Mudra has been serving as a pecalang for about 20 years. He has served as a board member in Denpasar City and in Bali for 10 years.

The presence of pecalang helps the traffic police in closing roads when there are religious and traditional activities, because they are the ones who are prepared to communicate with local residents and road users.

This customary police has been present since the 1970s. At that time, pecalang only served when there were traditional or religious ceremonies. Over time and with development of Pakraman or traditional villages, pecalang are being managed and their tasks are varied, namely protecting their respective neighborhood and assisting Polri/TNI. Pecalang do not get paid, in Bali it is called ngayah (voluntary) activity, but it is coordinated from the customary village.

Head of the Bali Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), I Made Rentin, said that pecalang are involved as they are very helpful regarding the security. They continue to coordinate with Polri/TNI and help to mitigate disasters.

Pecalang are also assigned to be on guard to anticipate demonstrations during the G20 Summit.

About #G20Updates:

Various communication products which are prepared by the G20 Communications and Media Team. It is aimed at providing comprehensive information regarding preparations and issues related to the G20 Summit held in Bali, Indonesia on November 15-16, 2022.


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